What we do

Auction Design and Management Services

Our auction design and management experts help our clients create efficient markets to maximize the value of their transactions. Our experts can assist with auction design and management and provide on-line bidding systems for buying or selling via an auction or sealed-bid Request for Proposal.  At Auction Technologies we help our clients achieve their objectives: whether it is maximizing revenue, minimizing costs, or promoting competition. For clients using or considering auctions to sell or buy assets we offer the following services:

Evaluate alternative auction designs and provide recommendations on the ideal auction format to best achieve the client’s goals and objectives (i.e. revenue maximization, cost savings, transparency, price discovery, ease of use, regulatory approval, etc.)


  • Assist our clients with testimony and expert witness support with respect to auction design, competitive processes, and other regulatory matters
  • Provide recommendations on product and contract design
  • Write the detailed auction rules
  • Plan and implement all the steps, stages, and tasks to guide our clients’ auction events
  • Act as independent auction manager or monitor to guaranty the integrity of the process
  • Provide a customized secure electronic bidding platform to run the auctions
  • Host and support the on-line bidding platform
  • Bid Strategy Advisory Services


At Auction Technologies we have extensive practical experience in advising bidders participating n them, particularly in auctions for energy service products and for spectrum licenses. Our auction experts have collectively advised bidders in over fifty auctions.

We offer our clients assistance with every stage of an auction process, from review of auction rules through actual bidding. Through our advisory services we help the bidder understand the auction rules and strategic possibilities it offers. Our clients can obtain significantly better outcomes than competitors by being better prepared than their rivals for opportunities the auction presents. Auction Technologies offers a full menu of services to bidders. We can perform any or all of the following tasks to ensure that the best possible auction outcome is achieved:


  • Regulatory Support
  • Auction Rules Analysis
  • Process Support
  • Valuation Analysis
  • Competitive Assessments
  • Bidding Strategy Advice
  • Bidder Preparation and Training
  • War Room Setup
  • Bid Analysis Tools
  • War Room Management and Round-by-Round Bid


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